Monday - Radical Changes and Rethinking ICT
It can seem daunting or even difficult to take on sustainability in the broader context of ICT. All of us arriving from different backgrounds and motivations, we need to establish common terminology and get to know each other. On Monday, we start off our SICT 2023 week with a welcome, before grounding ourselves in shared knowledge on the many justice, equality, and ecological problems connected and not-yet-enough-connected to ICT and its sustainability.
Reception & Breakfast08:30 - 09:30Welcome to SICT 2023! We open our doors at 08:30 and start registering participants. Enjoy hot and cold beverages and a light breakfast while already getting to know your fellow participants before we kick off the week.Morning
Welcome and kick-off09:30 - 10:00We welcome everyone to the 4th edition of our doctoral summer school on sustainable ICT (SICT). We will explain the philosophy and objectives of SICT 2023, and overview the program of our workshop week. We will also explain how this edition will differ from previous years.Morning
Keynote #110:00 - 11:00"When is something sustainable?", Anjila HjalstedMorning
Ice-breaker (part 1): "A Collaborative Round-table on Sustainable Practices"11:30 - 13:00MorningThrough a world café, we will have an open discussion on the current state of sustainability in the fields surrounding ICT.
- Morning
Ice-breaker (part 2): "Conversations on Sustainability Through Time"14:00 - 15:00AfternoonA chance to write out our own personal goals and set reflection points to recap on throughout the week.
Keynote #215:00 - 16:00Afternoon"Designing for Just Sustainability: Is Computing Insolvent?", Christoph Becker
Keynote #316:30 - 17:30"Redirecting digital technologies for the deep sustainability transformation", Johanna PohlAfternoon
- Morning