Olivier Vergeynst
Founder and director of Green IT Belgium
Olivier Vergeynst has over 20 years of international IT Management experience in large companies: JPMorgan, Euroclear, Ingenico. Amongst other roles, he was Director at Euroclear in charge of the technical relationship with the 100 largest financial institutions in the world (teams in Brussels, London, Paris, New York, Tokyo, Hong Kong), IT Operations Director at Euroclear then at Ingenico (24x7x365 operational management of applications and IT infrastructure on 3 synchronized DCs), R&D Director at Ingenico (onshore and offshore application development, project management and QA). Green IT consultant, certified jointly by GreenIT.fr and the University of La Rochelle, Olivier is the founder and director of Green IT Belgium, member of the French "Institut du Numérique Responsable" and of the "Collectif GreenIT.fr". In this capacity, he worked on the "Environmental footprint of the digital world" study (GreenIT.fr, Frédéric Bordage, 2019) and managed the English translation. Green IT Belgium supports several large Belgian companies in their Green IT approach and collaborates with GreenIT.fr on various missions, including international coordination and support for one of the French industry world-leading companies.
For those who have heard about the environmental and social impact of digital technologies, it sounds obvious that any organization should implement the best practices of "Sustainable IT". Extending the lifetime of digital equipment, eco-designing IT services, embedding Green IT criteria in purchase processes… This should be a no-brainer. But then, why is Green IT almost unheard of in Belgium, whether in private companies or in public organizations? And for those who looked at it, why is it so hard to convince them to join the movement? In this session, we will look at drivers that can influence organizations to start (or not) a Sustainable IT transformation and share some success criteria that can make or break the project implementation.